Friday, January 8, 2010

Progressive Change

Vlatimir Lenin said, "Change! Change! Workers of the world unite! We are building a new world! We will distribute the wealth." This is Lenin’s Socialism that became Communism and changed Russia into the United Socialist States of Russia (USSR).

Barak bama said, "Change! Change! Change we need! Change we can believe in! We will “spread the wealth around and everyone will prosper. Yes we can!" This is Obama’s Socialism, which, if not corrected, will change the United States of America into the United Socialist Sates of America (USSA). We heard him say, “We must change America.” "We are only five days away from transforming America.”

Obama is following Lenin, who said, “Change is predetermined and progress is inherent in change.”

The purpose of this essay is to show that the Progressive Socialist’s mindset extends from Karl Marx through Vladimir Lenin and on to include Barak Obama.

A political theory advocating state ownership of industry
An economic system based on state ownership of capital
A political/ economical transition from Capitalism to Communism

Economic Justice:
Since it seems unfair for some to be rich while others are poor, the progressive have coined the phrase, “Economic justice,” which means “leveling the playing field” by taking from those who have and giving it to those who have not. In Obama’s own words, “Economic justice simply means punishing the successful and redistributing their wealth by government fiat. It’s an euphemism for socialism.” Again, “I’ve been working my entire adult life to help build an America where economic justice is being served. And as president, we’ll insure that economic justice is served. That’s what this election is about.” NAACP speech (And that’s what this essay is all about. LW)

As I was studying progressive philosophy, much of which dealt with Vladimir Lenin, I was at the same time observing what Barak Obama was saying on the same subjects. The more I listened and read, the more I became aware that Lenin and Obama were saying the same things. It was as if they were both following the same leader and reading the same book. Then, a light came on! They were following the same leader and reading the same book—Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto. One strong similarity between Lenin and Obama is that they both called for change. When this became clear in my mind, I decided to title my essay “Progressive Change,” and hurried to my computer to begin writing. The first thing I did was search for “Change, Lenin and Obama,” on the web, perhaps I could find a few choice quotations. Can you imagine my surprise upon finding pages and pages of the very thing I had been planning to write about? I found a number of parallel quotations from these two men, which others had submitted to Google. I urge anyone who wants to read more about these two progressive men to enter “Change Lenin Obama” or “Quotations Lenin Obama” into Google, where you will find more than you will want to read. You must understand that Lenin was a strong Socialist, who became the leading Communist of his time by following Karl Marx and founding the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Obama has revealed by his words and actions, that he is also a socialist. Most of us don’t want Marx and Lenin to change our Democracy into a Socialist State; nor should we allow Obama to do so.

Thousands of books, political magazines, TV personalities and citizens who understand what is happening are shouting warnings from the house tops. But is anyone listening? Are you? We are in the identical position of the Jews when the prophets warned them of destruction. Or like Rome that disintegrated from within. Perhaps our best modern example is Germany when Hitler imposed national socialist upon it. In each of these cases the masses lost their freedom and their lives, simply because they followed a deceptive leader. Don’t we have the same kind of leader? And aren’t we also following him?

Lenin and Obama are both socialists, saying the same things and working for the same goal – universal socialism. I intended listing a page of their quotations but I found them so numerous that I suggest you go to the web for them. I’m not listing any specific web address because there are so many of them on the web that make my point. For example Lenin said, “The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debunk the currency.” And he advocated government ownership of the means of production, which would destroy private enterprise. Wouldn’t you say that the devaluation of the dollar, the take over of the banks, gaining controlling interest in motor companies and government controlled health care are the very things Lenin advocated? And our people are shouting praises for Obama as he leads us down the Lenin path. If communist Lenin was red, socialist Obama is certainly pink. And pink socialism is red when it ripens.
On another matter Lenin said, “The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” Obama has constantly spoken of being a “community organizer in Chicago.” Please go to the web, as I suggested above, and read more on the Lenin-Obama comparison; you will find many Obama quotations such as the following:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully: The more politically active black students, the foreign students, the Chicanos and the Marxist professors.” “My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you will join me as we try to change it.” (If it is the greatest nation in the history of the world, being a Capitalist Republic, why would we want to change it into a socialist nation run by the government? We must change the president, not the nation. LW)

Note: There has always been “progressives,” using various titles; the most deceptive of recent time has been “Liberation Theology.” For this reason, I plan to start a series of essays on this subject very soon. Nothing has been more destructive than this unbiblical Marxist philosophy, which began in Latin America and in 1968 was declared by the bishops to be, “The preferred option for the poor.” Now it is the preferred option for governments, universities, churches and peoples of the world.

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