Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Letter to My Email Correspondents

Following is a letter I sent to my Email corrrespondents, which will serve as an update for all who are interested. My next essay will be possted on 9-26-08 and other articles and matters of interest (I hope) will follow. Comments and questions are welcome and may be addressed to me at www.truebeliever@aeroinc.net

Dear Email Correspondents,

I believe my blog site is functional and ready for posting my weekly essays (for the benefit of those who are not on my correspondent list to receive them via Email), random articles, views, comments, questions and answers, and helpful ideas. I'm excited about the prospect of receiving response from you, which I can share with all my readers. All my essays will carry the lines that appear at the bottom of this page. You can click on my blog link to view this information. Questions and comments are encouraged and will be dealt with promptly.

If you click on "view profile," you will see my picture, which you can enlarge with a click and look me in the eye. Below the picture, you can click "Email" and send me your comments and questions. Helpful comments and good questions, with my answers, will be posted on the blog for everyone to read. Comments should pertain to the essays in order to prevent wandering, but questions may be on any biblical, theological or timely subject.

Come on now, get with the program! This can be an enjoyable and helpful venture for us all.

I don't know for certain what I am getting into; this may be demanding and time consuming. So, because time is precious and I have my limitations, let me make a request of you. Please be very selective in the things you send me. I am interested in your personal comments and suggestions and not in killing time. And please do not send chain letters and pass-it-on items, unless they are very special. I seldom acknowledge these or pass them on, because there are many busy people out there who do not like to receive them. They fill one's In Box so rapidly that he doesn't have time to read them but only to delete them. Let us concentrate on the things that matter most. Let us "encourage one another and build up one another" (I Thes. 5:11). " Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another" (Rom.14:19). I shall be looking forward to hearing room you.

Best wishes and blessings in Christ Jesus, our Lord,

Lacy Williams
"The True Believer"

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I am commentin'. Can ya read me???