Friday, February 6, 2009

Questions on Philippians Four

1. What was Paul’s instruction to the Philippian church at the beginning of this chapter? (v. 1)

2. What did Paul ask two disagreeable women to do? (v. 2)

3. What did he ask of the church regarding these women? (v. 3)

4. What does he instruct us all to do? (v. 4)

5. What two characteristics must be manifest in our lives? (Vs. 5-6)

6. What promise does Paul hold out to us as we make our request known to God? (v. 7)

7. What six things should we let our minds dwell on? (v. 8)

8. What promise does Paul holdout to us if we follow his instructions? (v. 9)

9. Where do Christians rejoice? (vs. 4, 10)

10. Why did Paul rejoice? (v. 10)

11. What did Paul say he had learned? (v. 11)

12. What did Paul say he knew? (v. 12)

13. What did Paul say he could do? (v. 13)

14. What did the Philippian Christian Christians do for Paul that no other church had done? (vs. 15, 16)

15. What was more important to Paul than the gift he had received from this church? (vs. 17, 18)

16. What did Paul promise these saints for their generosity? (v. 19)

17. How pervasive had the gospel been in Rome under Paul’s teaching? (v. 22)

18. What was Paul’s benediction to this letter? (v. 23)


This ends our study of Philippians. I have been blessed in writing this series of articles; I pray that you have been blessed by reading them. Thank you for accompanying me on the journey. Stay with me; there are exciting things ahead.

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