Friday, January 15, 2010

Progressive Radicals

Karl Marx; Vladimir Linen and Saul Alinsky

1. Marx was impressed with Hegel’s dialectic idealism and Feuerbach’s progressive materialism, so he married them and called the union “dialectic materialism.”
2. Lenin became obsessed with Marx’s dialectic materialism, so he enforced it and changed the Russian Republic into the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR)
3. Alinsky was born in Chicago in 1909 and came to prominence during the first half of the 20th century. His book, Handbook for Radicals, had a great influence on both Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama in Chicago. Hillary wrote a critique of Alinsky’s book as a college thesis, which she titled There is Only the Fight. She had learned Alinsky’s method well and was ready to implement it. When her husband was elected president, she gleefully announced, “You got two for the price of one,” and jumped right in writing a socialist health care bill—just as the progressive Democrats in congress are doing in the Obama administration.

Barak Obama, James Cone, Bill Ayers, Pastor Wright and Michelle Obama

1. Barak Obama, a socialist community (union) organizer in Chicago, teaching the Alinsky method. He was also a member of Wright's church for twenty years, while Wright was preaching James Cone's radical black liberation theology
2. James Cone, founder of Black Theology and Black Power. He developed his Black Theology by combining the teaching of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. He became angry and ugly like Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan, and told his followers to kill nonconformist, even their parents. And then he became a professor of theology at Union Theological Seminary.
3. Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground gang, who went around blowing up things, became a professor at Chicago University.
4. Pastor Jeremiah Wright has been under Cone’s spell for many years and is an angry man, just as his mentor. We heard him invoke God’s Name as he cursed America.
5. Michelle Obama, like her husband, was a radical activist in Chicago, but she doesn’t have the patience her husband has. When Barak won the election she said, “This is the first time in my life that I have been proud of America.” And while true patriots praise America’s goodness, she showed her contempt by saying, “America is downright mean.”

Comments: These activist radicals prefer world government to national soverignty; hence they are attempting to bring all nations under United Nations control. This is why we see so many socialists in government, working to change America into a socialist nation. All free nations that have fallen to communism have first fallen to socialism; the major difference between the two is their different shades of red.

In this series of essays, I want to give you an inside look at black liberation theology and its consequences. (I will have a brief series on liberation theology very soon). I also want you to know about contextual theology, feminine theology, gay theology and other varieties that reside under the liberation theology umbrella. And in order to understand what is happening to our constitutional government, we shall look into President Obama’s belief system, as well as that of Pastor Wright who preaches black theology according to James Cone rather than the Gospel of Christ according to the Bible. James Cone, Wright’s mentor, wrote Black Theology and Black Power forty years ago, which set black churches on a revolutionary quest for power and their own theology. Under the influence of Karl Marx, they believe that socialism must triumph over capitalism, blacks must subdue and subjugate whites, and the wealthy must be made to share their wealth (“spread the wealth around,” as Obama says). This is the old Marxist doctrine of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, which says that the thesis (capitalism) must be provoked to struggle with its antithesis (anti-capitalists) until a new thesis (socialism) is formed. This struggle will continue until socialisms developers into full-blown communism where everyone will be equal and share alike, and in the mind of religious Marxists, this perfect socialist (communist) state will be the Kingdom of God on earth. This process is the Marxist philosophy of history and the socialists’ dream of global unity. God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible and everything else that gets in the way of this progressive movement has to be rejected, renamed, ignored or destroyed in this quest for peace and justice. They say that peace will come with the cessation of conflict (when socialism takes control and destroys capitalism), and justice will be realized when wealth is distributed and everyone shares alike. Oops! There goes our national sovereignty and power, our independence and freedom, and our entire democratic form of government!

Don’t let anyone deceive you; we are in a struggle for survival. Both Marx and Lenin taught that the thesis (the capitalist free market system) is to be provoked by its antithesis (socialist forces) and engaged in a struggle for control. While democracy is fair and just, Marx and Linen taught that whatever means is necessary to accomplish a task is justified by the end result. This is what we are up against. Think for a moment about the presemnt congressional conflict over money, health care, stimulus packages, and progressive government control. All of thse are, at thteierheart, a socialist struggle with democracy for dominance. At present the liberals, many of whom are socialists, have almost complete control, but better times and a better nation are coming, just you wait (vote) and see! (If you want more information on the above persons, type their names in Google search).

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