Friday, November 14, 2008

God's Faithful Work

Paul and Silas established the church in Philippi around 51AD with the conversion of Lydia and the Jailor, who was holding them prisoners. Ten years later we see Paul imprisoned again in Rome, separated from the church he loved and in great need. This church had sent him assistance “time and again,” as he planted churches across Asia; now they assist him again by sending him a gift by his good brother Epaphroditus. This outpouring of love, coupled with the realization that Christ also loved him, filled Paul's heart with joy and motivated him to write Philippians—the “Epistle of Joy.”


1:1-11: In this second look at chapter one, we see Paul praying for his people and encouraging them. Perhaps his most encouraging statement is, “I am confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (1:6). From this verse we learn that God is completing the work He began in us and that His progressive work will be finished when Jesus comes. We also learn that a great part of God’s perfecting plan is our fellowship.

First, God has placed us together that we may be participants in the gospel (V. 5). As we enjoy participating in these blessings, we want to share them with others. As true believers, everything we say and do should bear witness to our faith for the benefit of others. Can’t we do something more or something better that will encourage others to come to Christ? Let’s pray about this.

Secondly, God has placed us together that we may be perfected for Christ when he comes (V.6). Our motivation is “the affection of Christ,” our love is abounding, our knowledge is increasing, our discernment is improving, our fullness is the “fruits of righteousness,” our condition is “pure and blameless” and our lives are lived for the “glory and praise of God.” Won’t it be wonderful to share such glory with others? Just think of the lives we can change and the souls we can save for our Lord!

Thirdly, God has places us together that we may be “partakers of grace (V. 7)...” The Philippian church was in Asia and Paul was in Europe, but they were partakers of grace. The church was able to share with Paul in his need and he was pleased to pray for the church in its trouble. It is inconceivable that Christians should ever oppose and hinder one another, considering how loving people work so well together. With our knowledge and experience in the gospel, isn’t there something more we can do to encourage others to share God’s grace with us? Think with me! Can’t we be more concerned and attentive? If we think and pray about this, can’t we be better brothers or sisters to those we have neglected? And can’t we win others to Christ by our love? We have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Let’s do it!

We have all seen the little plaque which says, “I’m not perfect; God hasn’t finished with me yet.”
But He is finishing His work in us, which will be complete when Jesus comes. We must help and never hinder Him in His work. This means yielding to him and doing his will. What God is doing in us is very positive and wonderful; He is filling us with the “fruits of righteousness” and preparing us to offer Him “glory and praise.” He is making us “pure and blameless.” When we become what God is making us to be, He will have brought his work to completion and prepared us for “the day of Christ.” Praise His glorious grace!”

Life is like a strange dream in which one is trying to accomplish a task or repair something that has been broken, but with all his struggling he cannot succeed. How hopeless and frustrating! Are you among those insecure people who are struggling to finish yourself? Do you really believe you can do it? “Are you seeking great things for yourself? Do not seek them” (Jer. 45:5). You may be reading self-help books and going to motivational seminars for help, not knowing that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ.” Clay doesn’t make vessels of itself; it yields to the potter who makes them. Let us get out of God’s way and let Him finish His work!

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