Friday, November 21, 2008

Questions from Philippians One

You may not be able to answer these questions from memory after reading this chapter, but you can use them as study questions to aid in the understanding of what Paul is saying. If you have a study partner, one of you could read the questions and the other could read the answers.

1. Who was with Paul in Rome when he wrote the Philippian letter? V. 1

2. What three titles did Paul give his Christian friends at Philippi? V. 1

3. What two blessings from God and Jesus did Paul pronounce upon them? V. 2

4. For what was Paul thankful as he prayed with joy for these Christians? V. 5

5. What one thing was Paul sure of? V. 6

6. What do Christians who participate in the gospel share in common? V. 7

7. In what three Christian virtues did Paul pray that these Christians would abound? V. 9

8. What three things would they gain by growth in these virtues? Vs. 10, 11

9. What would be the end result of their gain? V. 11b

10. What had Paul been able to accomplish by his suffering? V. 12

11. What two groups of people were the beneficiaries of this advancement of the gospel? Vs. 13,

12. What two motives caused people to preach Christ? V. 15

13. Two other words that describe these motives. Vs. 16, 17

14. What was Paul’s reaction to their preaching, regardless of their motives? V. 18

15. What would aid in Paul's deliverance from prison? V. 19

16. Who would Paul honor, whether living or dying? V. 20

17. What was Paul’s desire? V. 23

18. What was more necessary than his desire? V. 24

19. What would result from Paul’s remaining in the flesh rather than departing to be with the Lord? V. 25

20. What would inspire the Philippians to “glory in Christ Jesus?” V. 26

21. Of what must the Christians life be worthy? V. 27

22. What two things would result from the Philippians’ lack of alarm under persecution? V. 28

23. What purpose would these actions of the Philippians serve for their opponents? What purpose for themselves? V. 28

24. What had been granted to these Christians? V. 29

25. What did these Christians, who served Christ as Paul did, share in common with him? V. 30

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